Girl's garment - from the crypt of the Calvinist church of Boldva

Textile and Costume Collection

Accession Nr.: 76.265.1-10
Date of production:
late 16th century
Place of production: Hungary
Materials: atlas silk; lace
Techniques: embroidered
length: 30 cm
length: 28 cm
derékbőség: 68 cm
The dress was found in the vaults of the Calvinist Church of Boldva, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplén county. The tailoring of the dress follows the early models of dresses with bodices: the waist is straight, the neckline at the front is square, and the skirt is flaring towards the bottom. The accessories of the dress were also found in the vaults, such as the peruke of silk, the enamelled head-dress, the belt (which was decorated with contemporary and earlier coins), the bodice, the apron and fragments of the veil. These greatly assist the task of reconstructing the 16th century dress of Hungarian women.


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  • László Emőke: Netzarbeiten aus dem 16-18. Jahrhundert in Ungarn. Ars Decorativa, 8. (1984). 1984. - 88. (Nr. 10.)
  • László Emőke: Recehímzések. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1982. - Nr. 1.
  • Nagy Katalin: Die Tracht eines vornehmen ungarischen Mädchens aus dem 16. Jh. Restaurierung und Rekonstruktion des Boldvaer Fundes. Ars Decorativa, 7. (1982). 1982. - 29-81.
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