Fruit holder

Metalwork Collection

Accession Nr.: 83.61.1
Date of production:
ca. 1880
Place of production: Austria
Inscription: a talapzat és a tál peremén beütve az 1872 után használt, Diana-fejes jegy; feloldatlan BF mesterjegy
Materials: brass inside; silver
Techniques: parcel-gilt
height: 29 cm
length: 65 cm
width: 35 cm

This large object presents all typical characteristics of eclectic historicism. The oval, lobed plinth stands on four scrolled feet. There are two, curved handles at the end of the two longer sides. The plinth is covered with a mirror on top, on which the fruit bowl stands. The stem is square-shaped and pierced, with an applied escutcheon on the confronting sides. One of the escutcheons is inscribed with Szerettet (sic!) szüleinknek az ezüst menyegző emlékére hálás gyermekeik, Carlettó, Miksa, Mariska és Jani 1869 január 7-én 1894. (For our beloved parents on the occasion of their silver wedding, from their grateful children, Carletto, Maximilian, Mary and John 1869, on 7th January, 1894).

The other is engraved with the coat of arms of the family: the shield is pierced, with three stars in the right field. In the first field there is an eagle with spread wings, sitting on a rook, in the base, there are five rosettes in two rows. Flowery foliage connects the corners of the plinth with the four allegoric cupid figures sitting on cushions on the plinth. Their attributes are: a helmet and an anchor, symbolising possibly Hope measuring tool, the allegory of Modesty an owl, a book, a cup with a serpent, standing for Science and wisdom or Death the basket and the dove pair represent Love and Prosperity. The stem holds a pierced bowl, which follows the shape and the decoration of the plinth, with a detachable, richly gilt copper inset.


  • Szerk.: Dózsa Katalin: Az áttörés kora. I-II. Bécs és Budapest a historizmus és az avantgárd között (1873-1920). Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2004. - Nr. 3.2.27.
  • Szerk.: Dózsa Katalin, Hergovich Marianne: Zeit des Aufbruchs. Budapest und Wien zwischen Historismus und Avantgarde. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, 2003. - Nr. 4.3.14
  • a kiállítást rendezte: Batári Ferenc, Vadászi Erzsébet: Historizmus és eklektika. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1992. - Nr. 358. (Békési Éva)