Accession Nr.: 23322
Manufacturer: Salviati & Co Glass Works (Venice - Murano)
Place of production: Venice
Materials: aventurine glass; colourless glass; opaque glass
Techniques: blown; Filigree glass (a retorti); with applied glass threads
height: 12 cm
opening diameter: 14 cm
base diameter: 9,5 cm
The broad foot rises conically in the middle, supporting the baluster-like, ribbed stem, which is decorated with glass thread applied and frilled while hot, and also with gold foil grains. The bowl forms a flower petal, with splaying, frilled rim. The foot and the body are decorated with alternating stripes in vetro a retorti technique, enriched with lace-like motifs and opaque, white, pink and copper aventurine glass threads. Both the form and the decoration of this object are based on the traditions of Renaissance glass of Venice-Murano.


  • a kiállítást rendezte: Batári Ferenc, Vadászi Erzsébet: Historizmus és eklektika. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1992. - Nr. 349. (Varga Vera)