Accession Nr.: 57.883.1
Materials: bone sticks; metal; silk; spangle
Techniques: embroidered; pierced
height: 17,5 cm
width: 32 cm
Tendrils arranged in a curling wave pattern adorn the leaf, and from this pattern a lily takes shape in the middle. Below the upper edge of the fan are three rows of spangles, and beneath the tendril ornamentation one row. The sticks and guard-sticks display leaf and festoon ornamentation. A similar fan, with a lace inset, is MAA inv. no. 59.895 (Cat. No. 89).


  • Maros Donka Szilvia: Bájos semmiségek. Az Iparművészeti Múzeum legyezőgyűjteménye (1700-1920). Balassi Kiadó - Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2002. - Nr. 88.