Accession Nr.: 51.736.1
Place of production: Germany (presumably)
Materials: ivory; paper; silver foil
Techniques: gilded; painted; pierced
height: 27 cm
width: 49 cm
The leaf, which is framed by coloured flowers and gold scallop ornamentation, presents a four-member company enjoying themselves in an arbour. A young man sitting in front of an obelisk is showing a little bird nestling in the palm of his hand to a girl playing a flute beside him from either side a young lady—one with a shepherd's crook, the other with a basket in her hand— watches them. To the right of the group two birds hop in front of an empty birdcage and from behind a tree a youth watches. To the right of the group there is creeper on a broken column. In the background is a house, in the distance a bridge, and by the riverbank a urinating (P) male figure with his back turned. On the verso, in the middle of an island, a shepherdess sits alone. On the sticks, among flowers, there is a cavalier bowing to a lady behind her are her companion and a laid table. Behind the lady a child playing with a dog can be seen. On the guard-sticks sits a shepherdess amidst flowers and symbols of love. From among numerous fans of similar type this exhibits kinship with a piece in the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum.


  • Maros Donka Szilvia: Bájos semmiségek. Az Iparművészeti Múzeum legyezőgyűjteménye (1700-1920). Balassi Kiadó - Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2002. - Nr. 28.