Fan - with mythological scenes

Textile and Costume Collection

Accession Nr.: 90.100.1
Date of production:
ca. 1790
Inscription: b. l.:... katzy (?)
Materials: bone; brass; silk
Techniques: engraving; gouache painting; watercolour
height: 28,4 cm
width: 53 cm
The uncoloured leaf is ornamented with three oval- shaped scenes from mythology framed with spangles. In the middle is Daphne fleeing from Apollo's love the inscription is Daphne / flieht / Apollon. To the left, among clouds, Amor sits in Venus's lap the inscription is: Venus / und / Amor. To the right is the abducted Orithyia in the arms of Boreas, who is ascending between clouds the inscription reads: Boreas /entfuhrt / Orithyia. The spaces between the scenes are filled out with antique-like ornamentation: amphoras, strings of pearls hanging from acanthus tendrils, and torches. On the top edge the leaf is framed by rosettes and vases, and on the lower edge by circular medallions containing inscriptions for the scenes. The garments worn by the figures and the frames of the pictures were at one time sewn with gilded spangles. In the bottom left-hand corner is a fragment of a signature: .. .katzy (?).


  • Maros Donka Szilvia: Bájos semmiségek. Az Iparművészeti Múzeum legyezőgyűjteménye (1700-1920). Balassi Kiadó - Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2002. - Nr. 62.