Fan with case
Accession Nr.: | 54.1239.1 |
Place of production: | Budapest; |
Materials: | mother- of-pearl; organdie leaf |
Techniques: | painted |
Dimensions: |
height: 32,5 cm
diameter: 61 cm
thickness: 3,2 cm
height: 4,2 cm
length: 37,2 cm
width: 5 cm
The ivory-coloured leaf is bordered by lace picot on it—a little to the left-is an idyllic scene: by a river a pink-attired girl holding a bouquet of flowers is leaning against a fallen tree-trunk and looking towards the far bank her Rococo-attired lover next to her is looking up from his book. The sticks are pink. A white silk cord and tassel are attached to the handle. The inner rim of the box, which is covered with pressed, rhombus- patterned paper, is gilded. Stuck on the inside of the lift-up lid, in the middle, is a label: CSIPKEK, HIMZESEK, / NOI PIPEREK / ES / CSIPKEFUGGONYOK / RAKTARA / EVENTAIL / LEGUJABB LEGYEZOK / 0.70 krtol 300 frtig. / GERZSO KAROLY GY / Vaci utca BUDAPEST 21 szam / BALI RUHAK / mertek utan keszitve / 30 frttol 100 frtig / es feljebb = Lace, Embroidery, Lingerie, and Lace Curtains Store. French and other latest fans, from 70 kreutzers to 300 forints. Karoly Gy. Gerzso, Vaci utca 21, Budapest. Ballgowns made to measure from 30 forints to 100 forints and above. A peculiarity of the firm's letterhead is that between 1895 and 1897 Gerzso's business—according to advertisements published in Divat Ujsdg and data featuring in Budapest registers-was on the first floor of Kigyo utca 3, in Budapest's District IV At this time Gyula Titsch's ladies' fashions business operated at Vaci utca 21. The fan-box has been exhibited as having been made between 1905 and 1908.
- Maros Donka Szilvia: Bájos semmiségek. Az Iparművészeti Múzeum legyezőgyűjteménye (1700-1920). Balassi Kiadó - Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2002. - Nr. 177.
- Lovay Zsuzsanna: Séta a Koronaherceg utcában. Kereskedelmi csomagolások a biedermeiertől a szecesszióig. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1988. - 156.