Fan lace
Accession Nr.: | 18135 |
Artist/Maker: |
Dékáni, Árpád (1861 - 1931) / designer Markovits, Mária (1875 - 1954) / manufacturer |
Manufacturer: | Halas Lace Workshop |
Inscription: | nincs |
Materials: | flax yarn; silk yarn |
Techniques: | lace stitch; weaving stitch |
Dimensions: |
height: 23 cm
width: 45 cm
width: 12,5 cm
The whole surface of the fan is filled with three peacocks with spread tail feathers, pictured from the front. This decorative bird has had a symbolic meaning since ancient times both positive and negative characteristics have been associated with it. It is the symbol of pride and arrogance, as well as beauty and immortality. In Hungarian applied arts and folklore, especially in textile art, the peacock was a popular theme, yet the pattern book from the 16th century onwards pictured the bird in the profile, usually in a pair. The frontal picture of the peacock became fashionable with the Art Nouveau and was often used on jewellery, where the «plume of peacock» motif is done in precious stones. Dékáni followed the new trend, replacing precious stones with extremely delicate, coloured silk threads.
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