Tapestry - Psyché detail: from the tapestry ‘Zephir flies his sisters to Psyche’

Textile and Costume Collection

Accession Nr.: 52.2439.1
Coxcie, Michiel / designer
Dubout, Maurice / worshop
Date of production:
ca. 1650
Place of production: Paris
Materials: silk; wool
Techniques: tapestry -weaving
width: 174 cm
length: 312 cm
sűrűség (felvető): 10 cm
Michiel Coxcie designed a series of tapestries, based on the story of Psyche, as related by Apuleius in The Golden Ass. In some of the scenes, as well as in the decorative motifs, both the influence of Raphael and the frescoes in the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome - attributed to Perino del Vaga - can be found. The same source was followed by the "Master with the Dice" in his engravings (1532), and the glass windows in the gallery of the Chateau of Chantilly (1543), also resemble this model. The first version of the tapestries, in which gold thread was used, was made in Brussels for Francis I. This was burned in 1797. However, in the 17th century, they were rewoven in French workshops (such as the Louvre workshop), using the original cartoons, although with different borders. A tapestry identical with the Budapest one, although depicting the whole scene, can be found in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. That was made in the Galerie du Louvre, that is, in Maurice Dubout's workshop.


  • Szerk.: Péter Márta: Reneszánsz és manierizmus. Az európai iparművészet korszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1988. - Nr. 287.
  • László Emőke: Flamand és francia kárpitok Magyarországon. Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 1980. - Nr. 29.
  • Szerk.: Jakabffy Imre: De la tapisserie française 'Psyché'. Ars Decorativa 2, 1974. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1974. - 75-88. (László Emőke)