Design and ground plan - the entrance and the ground plan of the permanent Hungarian pavilion at the international exhibition in Venice

Archive / Collection of Designs and Drawings

Accession Nr.: KRTF 2069
Maróti (Rintel), Géza (1875 - 1941)
Place of production: Budapest
Inscription: nincs
Materials: paper
Techniques: Indian ink; print
height: 37,7 cm
width: 55,7 cm
The “permanent home of Hungarian art” was inaugurated on 24 April, 1909 in Venice, on the day of the opening ceremony of the international exhibition. The architect of the building was Géza Maróti. In the periodical Magyar Iparművészet (Hungarian Applied Arts), Dr. Elemér Czakó described the building in details: “The house itself is a modem, concrete building, matching its function of being the home of different exhibitions. It is a simple, solid building, with a large inside space that can easily be adapted to any new exhibitions. ” About the ornamental entrance, he wrote the following: “The gate is semicircular, rich and bright, made by Zsolnay with Gubbio technique, using Maróti's wheat motifs. ” There is a clear reference to the colour of the glaze “with golden eozin” on the drawing by the artist. The outer arch is inscribed with an easily legible UNGHERIA/ MAGYARORSZÁG/ HONGRIE. Above the two-winged oak door, there is “the coat of arms of the country on a glass painting”. The tiny plan above the sketch of the entrance shows the following airangement: “On entering.... we pass a six meter long arcade to the large hall. On both sides, wide circular stairs lead to the exhibition rooms on the first floor... The exhibition halls are visually tied in with the staircase... The large hall itself is ten meters wide and eighteen meters long. Its height is almost eight meters... There is a semicircular room behind the large hall, facing the entrance... ”


  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.238. (dr Ács Piroska)