Cup and saucer - With the Hungarian coat of arms with a crown

Ceramics and Glass Collection

Accession Nr.: 21455.a-b
Fromhold, Martin / painter (Buntmaler)
Manufacturer: Viennese Porcelain Factory
Inscription: a csészén masszába nyomva: 273 / 830; mangánlilával
festve: 74
Materials: porcelain
Techniques: gilded; painted in polychrome overglaze
height: 9 cm
base diameter: 5,7 cm
diameter: 14,8 cm

The bell-shaped cup of a rising, paw handle stands on a narrow foot. The plain saucer has a curved side. The outside of the cup and the surface of the saucer are yellow. Opposite the handle, the cup is decorated with the Hungarian coat of arms, with a crown, in polychrome painting over a round, white field, framed with gold. The middle of the saucer shows an inscription in cursive, placed in a round, white field, framed with gold: Éllyen / a Nemzet! the handle of the cup and the rims are gilt.

The foot of the cup bears an inscription in black cursives: Pressburg / den 28. Sept. 1830 - which is the place (Pozsony) and date of the coronation of Ferdinand V, crowned King of Hungary. The cup is marked with impressed and manganese painted markings: 273 and 830, and 74 - the last one is the painter number of Martin Fromhold.


  • Szerk.: Veres Mari: A reformkor művészete. Iparművészet. Vince Kiadó, Budapest, 2023. - p. 86. Nr. (54/1., 2.) (Kálosi Ildikó)
  • Szerk.: Péter Márta: A klasszicizmustól a biedermeierig. Az európai iparművészet stíluskorszakai. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1990. - Nr. 3.7. (Balla Gabriella)
  • Varga Vera: Bécsi porcelán az Iparművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményében. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1986. - Nr. 182.
  • Tasnádiné Marik Klára: A bécsi porcelán. Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 1971. - Nr. 23.