Coverpage - for the periodical Magyar Iparművészet (Hungarian Applied Arts)

Archive / Collection of Printed Design Sheets

Accession Nr.: MLT 3605
Csányi, Károly (1873 - 1955) / designer
Place of production: Budapest
Inscription: CK
Materials: paper
Techniques: press printed
height: 33 cm
width: 24 cm
The text is arranged in blocks, architectural, the inside and the fonts following the same principles: bold, the Art Nouveau version of “TIMES”. The thick patch of the text is eased by a gently shaded, printed, vertical ornamental border of stylized pinks and roses, without any reference to Hungarian folklore motifs. The reserved arrangement matches well Csányi's education and refined taste. He applied the popular Art Nouveau style without its excessive trends, keeping the proportions of goldcutting in mind when designing.


  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.297. (Lichner Magda)