Accession Nr.: 65.24.1
Date of production:
ca. 1650
Place of production: Körmöcbánya (Kremnica)
Materials: ashwood; limewood; oak; pinewood
Techniques: carved; inlaid decoration; painted
height: 70 cm
width: 152 cm
depth: 72 cm
The front is divided by four inlaid pilasters, decorated with herring-bone patterns and angel heads. The arched middle compartment is surmounted by the lock. The frames of the arched inlays are with plaits, with flat carved rosettes in the spandrels. The arches have stylized intarsia of foliage ending in dragon heads and tulips. The top of the smaller, inner chest serves as a support for the opened top of the chest. Painted, undulating lines and rosettes run along the inner side of the top. Comparing the common features of the intarsia of the stall of Körmöcbánya (inv. nr. 6980) and this chest, Ferenc Batári thinks "this chest is probably the work of a carpenter in Körmöcbánya, who must have taken part either as an apprentice or as a journeyman in the construction of the stall".


  • Batári Ferenc, Vadászi Erzsébet: Bútorművészet a gótikától a biedermeierig. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2000. - p. 56., Nr. 15.
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  • Radvánszky Béla: Magyar családélet és háztartás a XVI-XVII. században. I. (Reprint). Helikon Kiadó, Budapest, 1986. - 52. kép
  • Szerk.: Radocsay Dénes, Farkas Zsuzsanna: Az európai iparművészet remekei. Száz éves az Iparművészeti Múzeum. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1972. - Nr. 190.
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