Accession Nr.: | 53.790.1 |
Artist/Maker: |
Nadascher, Johannes (Hans) (1625 körül - 1699 Brassó) |
Place of production: | Brassó (Brasov) |
Inscription: | a talp peremén Hans Nadascher brassói mesterjegye (Kőszeghy 224) |
Materials: | parcel-gilt silver |
Techniques: | cast; chased; chiselled; repoussé/punched |
Dimensions: |
height: 18,8 cm
opening diameter: 8,3 cm
base diameter: 9,1 cm
weight: 274,7 g
This chalice has been reassembled. The base and the stem were presumably connected originally, but the floral-patterned calix and the joining of the cup and the stem are from later. Based on the damage to the calix, this joining was problematic and may have taken place for unknown reasons during the frequent liturgical use of the object. The exterior edge of the base section has the mark of Hans Nadascher of Brassó (Braşov, Romania) (“HN” on a shield crest with a crown; see: Kőszeghy 224). He apprenticed with the master craftsperson Hans Igell between 1644 and 1647, and became a master in 1654 (Gyárfás Tihamér: A brassai ötvösség története [The History of Gold and Silver Working in Braşov]. Művelődéstörténeti monográfiák, 2. Brassó, 1912, 50; 113: 219. sz.). The crafting of the base and the stem are quite similar to another chalice in the collection, also with Nadascher’s mark (inv. no. 53.1374.1). Similarities in their craftsmanship include: their broad foot sections; the nearly quarter-circular shape of the clearly defined central band of their bases that have gilded arches decorated with silver acanthus leaves; the chain of leaves formed through engraved internal tracing on the upper part of their bases below the simple collar; and their plain hexagonal stems and the geometric character of their nodes banded by a prominent element reminiscent of a cable. These features attest to the relationship between the two objects and seem to support the current identification of the corresponding maker’s marks.
by Anna Ecsedy
- Horváth Hilda: Iparművészeti tárgyak a gr. Vigyázó család gyűjteményében Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 62. 2013/1-2. - 17-32: 28 (20. kép); 29 (3. jegyzet)