Centrepiece - a pair of nautical horse
Accession Nr.: | 18899 |
Artist/Maker: |
Geyer, Elias (1560 - 1634) |
Date of production: |
The endless imagination exhibited by metalwork of this period bears witness to the Mannerists’ interest in mythology and curiosities. The princely and noble owners of Kunstkammern, or collections of “curiosities and wonders”, especially valued those works in which outstanding artistic quality and precious metals were combined with unusual materials. Elias Geyer (active 1589, †1634), the renowned master from Leipzig, strove to achieve this melding in his brilliantly executed table ornaments. The ancient source of the composition is certainly a detail from the second book of the Aeneid, in which Neptune raises his hand and quiets the roaring sea. The hind part of the anatomically correct “seahorses” extends into an exotic sea shell, while the ornate fins on either side signify that these are mythical sea creatures. At the top of the seashells (the tail of the animals) the disproportionately small, naked figure of Neptune, the powerful sea god, appears as the driver of the mythical sea creatures. In his right hand we see his recognized attribute, the trident, while his left hand grasps the reins made of chains (inv. no. 18899) The heads of the horses can be lowered, a reminder of the function of the two pieces as vessels for storing valuable beverages at the lavishly set royal dinner tables. The Grunes Gewolbe in Dresden preserves another five works by the Leipzig master analogous to these two works (one bearing an identical mark to the Budapest pieces, the other four unmarked). In the Dresden horses their prancing postures are supported by posts affixed to their bellies. In the Budapest pieces, the openings on the horses’ abdomen where supports would have been placed were later sealed.
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