Book with holster

Library / Book Art Collection

Accession Nr.: 2007.210.1-2
Molnár, Imre (1942 - )
Place of production: Hungary
Materials: paper; paper board; parchment
Techniques: gilded; repousse decoration
height: 22 cm
width: 15,8 cm
thickness: 1,2 cm
weight: 450 g
One of the chefs d’oeuvre of Imre Molnár, this binding covers an homage to Sándor Csoóri entitled “On the Soul’s Noman’s-land”. The calm front is animated bya diagonal band of crumpled and embossed lines. It also has a protective case. The books were purchased with support of the National Cultural Fund in 2007.


  • Craft & Design. Irányok, utak a kortárs magyar iparművészetben. Magyar Képző- és Iparművészek Szövetsége, Budapest, 2010. - I. 175.