Book - Komjáthy, Jenő: A homályból. Komárom, 1910

Library / Book Art Collection

Accession Nr.: 86.172.1
Jaschik, Álmos (1885 - 1950)
Date of production:
Inscription: nincs
Materials: paper; paper board; parchment
Techniques: handpainted
height: 20,6 cm
width: 13,5 cm
thickness: 2,5 cm
weight: 712 g
The bookbinding is decorated with an extremely delicate, orientalising drawing. The dominating colours are gold, blue, pink and yellow. The front board, the spine and the back board create a narrative line: the same spot is pictured on all the three, the portico of a temple, with fountain-like branches springing behind, enriched with colourful flowers and birds. On the coverplate, there is a large, green, coiling serpent on the steps of the church - the birds in the tree crouch down. The smooth spine has faded, the colours disappeared, even the contours can hardly be detected. The figure of the serpent is now in the temple, with a sitting Buddha-figure behind. The plant behind the temple has become a stylized stem with a bud. On the back board, there is a large bronze statue of the sitting Buddha, reaching almost up to the attic of the temple. There are figures in light green clothing, walking towards the statue. Birds with spread wings sit on the branches of the tree. The book has a simple, white endpaper, a headband sewn of yellow and white thread, equipped with a silk bookmark. The edges are gilt. The gauffered ornaments are composed by orientalising palmettes. The style of the decoration is typical of Almos Jaschik's works from the 1910s. The binding was made, according to the inscription, for his wife, Mária Müller.


  • Vadas József: A magyar Art Deco. (Stílusok, korszakok). Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 2005. - 72.
  • Szerk.: Prékopa Ágnes: Jaschik Álmos. A művész és pedagógus. Noran, Budapest, 2002. - 91-104.
  • Szerk.: Pataki Judit: Művészet és Mesterség. CD-ROM. Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1999. - bőr, papír 15.
  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 9.234. (Prékopa Ágnes)
  • Szerk.: Lovag Zsuzsa: Az Iparművészeti Múzeum. (kézirat). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1994. - Nr. SZ/119.