Book - Eötvös, Károly: Utazás a Balaton körül. Budapest, 1905

Library / Book Art Collection

Accession Nr.: 2001.469.1
Máté, Ilona (1887 - 1908) / designer
Place of production: Hungary
Inscription: M - az első tábla bal alsó sarkában,
RT (Révai Testvérek) -első és hátsó táblán,
Gottermayer N. Könyvk. Műint. Budapest, -hátsó táblán.
Materials: paper; paper board
height: 20 cm
width: 13,5 cm
thickness: 2,5 cm
weight: 458 g

The publisher’s blue cloth binding of the 1905 edition of Károly Eötvös’s series of short stories is restrained but still has a unique character. The binding was made at the Nándor Gottermayer Bookbinding Institute and the design is the work of Ilona Máté according to the monogram in the lower left-hand corner of the cover. The dynamism of the floral motifs is confined by delicate angles but the design has characteristically Art Nouveau lines. The author of the work and its title can be seen in the area surrounded by the gilded, supple lines. The designer made the forms of the dynamic Art Nouveau lettering angular, similar to the floral motifs. The differing sizes of the letters provide playfulness to the book. The intertwined letters RT in the lower right-hand corner of the cover are the corporate symbol of the publisher (Révai Testvérek – Révai Brothers), and they are not only interwoven with one another, but also meld into the gilded framework.