Astronomical clock - commissioned by Emperor Maximilian II
Accession Nr.: | 19822 |
Artist/Maker: |
Emmoser, Gerhardt (1556 előtt - 1584) |
Inscription: | a hátlapján, a két kisebb számlap között: GERHRT EMMOSER VHRMACHER IN AUGSPURG F [ ECIT ] A [ NNO ] 1566 |
Materials: | gilt copper; silver |
Techniques: | cast; engraved decoration; etched; silver decoration |
Dimensions: |
height: 49 cm
width: 29,5 cm
depth: 23,5 cm
From the middle of the 16th century, some of the European courts played an important role in supporting the development of the natural sciences. The most outstanding scholars of astronomy, geometry and mathematics usually were in the service of kings and princes. One of the most well-known patrons of the period, the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian II (1564–1576) paid great attention to the work of his court astronomer, Philipp Imser (†1557). This clock was made by the Augsburg clockmaker, Gerhard Emmoser (active 1556–1584), based on astronomical and mathematical calculations and the clear guidance of the astronomer. The astronomical clock is of outstanding quality and value, and is one of the most important surviving pieces of its kind. The timepiece has a spindle escapement and pendulum, and shows – in addition to hours and minutes – the passing of days, weeks and months, the orbit of the heavenly bodies known at the time, and the changes in the phases of the moon and various constellations. It thus serves as a perpetual calendar as well. The body of the clock is supported by turtle feet and is decorated with masks, cartouches and friezes. On the sides are maps of Western and Eastern Europe, with images of the Zodiac and allegorical figures. Similarly complex, mannerist masterpieces of the same type are also preserved in the collections of the Grunes Gewolbe in Dresden and the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.
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