Artist's book with slipcase - Weöres, Sándor: Towards completeness

Library / Book Art Collection

Accession Nr.: 2016.41.1-2
Inscription: WEÖRES SÁNDOR: A teljesség felé-Tér és pont. Bandy 5/XII/6 (a
művészkönyv hátoldalán)
WEÖRES: Tér és Pont, Bandy (a tok előlapján)
Materials: cardboard; Indian ink
height: 10 cm
width: 20,5 cm
thickness: 0,8 cm

Bandy László’s unique book-in-a-slipcase is made of white cardboard; the text is in black Indian ink, which was also used to trace the pop-up openwork illustrations. When opened, the object presents the lines of Weöres’s poem and their illustrations in three dimensions: ‘No single point can fit in space. Space seems limitless only to the senses—it is in fact narrower than a point. What is boundless has no extension and in that which has no extension infinite greatness and infinite smallness are the same. God is not only infinitely great, but also infinitely small: there is no small thing in which he is not contained in his completeness. God and the universe are within a single point.’