Accession Nr.: 81.17.1
Manufacturer: Jacob & Josef Kohn Furniture Factory (Vienna)
Date of production:
ca. 1900
Inscription: nincs
Materials: beechwood; leather
Techniques: bent; stained; upholstered
height: 85 cm
width: 51 cm
depth: 49 cm
The chair stands on four prismatic, tapering legs that are joined to the seat rail by curved stretchers. The two front legs are bent slightly backwards, adjoining the arm supports. The back ones are continued in the back support, which is decorated with pierced, sawed geometric motifs. The seat is rounded at the back upholstery was once green calf, now faded.


  • Szerk.: Szilágyi András, Horányi Éva: Szecesszió. A 20. század hajnala. (Az európai iparművészet korszakai.). Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1996. - Nr. 8.6 (Lovay Zsuzsanna)