"Transylvanian" rug
Accession Nr.: | 7967 |
Date of production: |
ca. 1600
Place of production: | Western Anatolia; Asia Minor; |
Materials: | wool |
Techniques: | Ghiordes (symmetrical or Turkish) knots |
Dimensions: |
length: 173 cm
width: 131 cm
knots: 1540 csomó/dm2
A characteristic type of Ottoman rugs produced in the town of Ushak in Asia Minor is the “Transylvanian” or doubleniche carpet. Several variants of the type fashionable for over three centuries are known. Its common feature is the hexagonal medallion filling the central field created by mirroring the original prayer niche (mihrab) of the traditional prayer rug across the central axis. This rug of symmetrical design was particularly popular in Transylvania where it was used as table or bed cover and wall hanging. The name “Transylvanian” refers to the place of frequent occurrence and not to the place of origin. The carpet collection of the Museum of Applied Arts is the second richest in the world in 15th–17th century Ottoman-Turkish carpets, including twenty-one Transylvanian rugs. This exquisite specimen is from the early period of the type called double-niche carpet with “arabesque tendrils”. The dark blue ground of the field is filled with subtly designed tendrils with flowers and leaves arranged symmetrically to both axes complemented by two mosque lamps hanging from the apexes of the mihrabs. In ochre fields above the niches the blue arabesquetendrils can be traced to Persian prototypes. In the main strip of the border the “Transylvanian border pattern” typical of this carpet type – elongated polygonal cartouches – alternate with eight-pointed stars. A similar design with an ochre central field is kept in the collection of the “Black Church” in Brasso (today Braşov, Romania).
See also: Museum With No Frontiers
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